Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Standard B: Assessing Student Learning

TPE 2- Monitoring Student Learning During Learning

TPE 3- Interpretation And Use Of Assessments

How can technology help you assess student learning?


I think that is important that teachers assess student learning constantly in order to maintain an effective learning environment. TPE2 is important because students need to have feedback on their work right away while the work is still fresh in the students mind. I think that if a paper is due that students need to turn in a rough draft and that the teacher needs to return a corrected version back to the student right away so that the student can make improvements. If a teacher waits to assess a students work until the end of a course the student may fall behind and not know where they stand as far as their achievements. I think that some teachers feel that the students should keep track of their own progress but I disagree. Yes, students should have an idea where they are in regards to grades and academic achievement, but it is our job as educators to assist students in getting the most out of their education and that means assessing students often and making sure that students are aware of their progress and how they can achieve their academic goals.

In regards to assessing student learning their are many tools that teachers can use. Microsoft Excel is a great tool for teachers because you can create spreadsheets fro student grades and turn them into graphs. An Excel sheet showing student test scores is helpful to teachers, students, and parents. Teachers can assess the data and compare students to each other to see who needs the most help and who is doing well on their own. With an Excel sheet the teacher can also single out a students test scores and create a bar graph to see a students achievement levels. This graph could help helpful at a student/teacher or parent/teacher conference. Microsoft Word is also great to use in student assessment because you can create grading rubrics for assignments. Many projects are better graded when multiple elements are considered. A grading rubric created in Word should be handed out to students when an assignment is given. The rubric will give students vital information on how they will be graded and what is expected of them. In addition to Microsoft programs their are many other ways to assess student achievement. There is a ton of software available to easily track grades. I downloaded a free trial of Class Mate Gradebook and couldn't believe how easy it was to use. The Internet is a great place to start if looking for ways to help you assess students. I have included some links below that I found useful.


  1. Tips on Grading: Using Rubrics
  2. Class Mate Gradebook Software

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