Monday, May 31, 2010

Portfolio Overview

I have created this portfolio to demonstrate my knowledge on technology use in the classroom and how technology can help me to achieve my Teacher Performance Expectations.

Bio Poem
My Bio-Poem will tell you a little about myself. For more information on me please see my main profile.

I have a resume that I have posted. This will give you a brief description of my work history as well as educational background.

Scavenger Hunt
This Scavenger Hunt is geared toward a 5th grade classroom. It focuses on the Unites States Constitution and its significance. This lesson meets California State Standards for a 5th grade Social Science unit.

Teacher Performance Expectations are an important part of become a teacher. I feel confident in my abilities to meet these expectations. Click on the links below to see how I will meet these standards when I begin teaching:

Standard A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students
Standard B: Assessing Student Learning
Standard C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
Standard D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students
Standard E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Standard F: Developing as a Professional Educator

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